DanceHaus is first of all professional training. Inside, there are three specialized teaching departments: Accademia Susanna Beltrami, with a focus on contemporary dance, DanceHaus Hip-Hop Department, where the languages of urban dance and contamination are mainly studied, and Accademia Kataklò, which instead focuses on Athletic Physical Theatre.

Among the most important Italian training centers,Susanna Beltrami Academy, directed by the Choreographer, is alandmarkinternational for young artists who have the opportunity to experiment, compare and specialize in astimulating context, in line with the latest European trends in the artistic and educational fields.
Our mission is to train new professional figures with specializations ofdancer,performers,choreographer and creative of dance, through technical, artistic and cultural insights with internationally renowned teachers who start from the review and rehabilitation of academic thinking up to the encounter with the techniques of innovation.
Dance Haus Hip Hop Departmentwas born in 2019 with the mission of trainingcompetent professionalsnot only in the field ofurban danceand ofentertainmentbut also in the context ofperforming arts, in order to respond to a world of work that increasingly requires interdisciplinarity and versatility.
The DanceHaus Hip Hop Department, under the direction of Susanna Beltrami, offers an avant-garde study path, in harmony with the paths offered by the large European Centers, offering studentsnew forms and unique contentsin a professional training lasting three years.
Kataklo Academy Julia Staccioli is the first professional training and start-up academy dedicated to performers ofAthletic Dance Theater. The choreographer and artistic director Giulia Staccioli, artistically raised in New York at the Alvin Ailey Studios and under the guidance of Moses Pendleton – Momix, in 1995 founded theKataklò Athletic Dance Theater company, a reality renowned and admired all over the world.
The peculiarity of Accademia Kataklò is to guarantee onemultidisciplinary trainingthat integrates the study oflanguage and athletic/acrobatic gesturewith the study of the techniques ofcontemporary dance: the goal is to develop the expressive potential of each student, enhance their abilities, to build unique artistic personalities, in line with today's professional selection criteria.
Since 2022 DanceHaus has been an Accredited Body for professional training services, register of the Lombardy Region n. 1274 and is therefore able to issue the Regional Diploma of professional dancer at the end of the three-year period, reaching EQF level 4.
The Diploma awarded is recognized by the European community and gives graduates the opportunity to face the world of work with a valuable certification.
The skills certification system of the Lombardy Region is regulated by the State-Regions agreement and refers to the EQF system, an objective framework of Community reference, functional for relating the national qualifications systems and frameworks of the member countries

Thanks to the numerous agreements, Dancehaus students can take advantage of all the cultural offerings that the metropolis of Milan offers: theatre, dance, festivals and numerous exclusive live events. Participation in these experiences, combined with the study of theoretical subjects (history of theatre, theory and aesthetics of dance, music, anatomy and physiology of movement) contributes to the student's cultural growth and the formation of personal critical thinking.