4 apr 2022
Dipartimento Contemporaneo
The lab took place at Accademia Susanna Beltrami in
collaboration with eight students from the second year and curated by
Niyayesh Nahavandy https://www.instagram.com/ninistagraaam/
In this multidisciplinary workshop, different practices were presented.
Poems come in many forms in daily life, permeating not only literature but also memories, perceptions of objects, and surroundings.
Next, the focus was on the relationship between individual body movements,
landscapes, and poetry. Poetry is a tool which can offer an endless world of possibilities. NIYAYESH NAHAVANDY Dopo un periodo di studi e lavoro come attrice teatrale sia in Italia che in Iran, prosegue la sua strada in Italia con un master in Urban Planning & Design al Politecnico di Milano e un diploma presso Accademia Susanna Beltrami.
Nyiayesh Nahavandy è un’artista multidisciplinare e usa pratiche di arte visiva, voce e movimento; i suoi lavori sono stati presentati in vari festival e residenze in Europa, tra cui Arcate D’Arte di Bergamo, Find Festival di Cagliari, Festival Exister di Milano e Festival Théatre Europeen Grenoble